Thing To Know To Be Successful In B1 English Test


English level B1 is the third level in the English test conducted by CEFR or Common European Framework of Reference. It is an intermediate and indeed level that is officially listed in the descriptor in the CEFR. This level deals with the questions beyond the basic level. Are you going to appear in this exam shortly? You should know certain things about the exam. Continue reading to have an idea on B1 English Test.

What should you do with this level of English exam?

At this level, you will be tested by having an interaction with some English speakers on a particular familiar topic. In the workspace, people at this level should read some simple reports on some famous topics and you should also be able to write some simple emails on the given subjects. On the whole, this exam deals with making you prepared to work in some office in the destination country. Some official guidelines for this exam would be as follows.

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  • You need to understand the key point of the clear standard input on a popular subject that you to face others in school, leisure, work, etc.
  • You should produce some simple connection on the text on the topics based on your interest.
  • You can also deal with some situations that you might rise whilst travel.
  • In this exam, you can also describe some experiences, dreams, hopes, and ambitions briefly with a clear explanation of the opinions and plans.

What are the skills necessary to excel at this level?

Being the third level in the test, you will be expected to have some more skills when compared to the previous levels. So, you need to work and grow your skills in some areas. This includes:

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  • You should be able to discuss the personal and professional hopes and dreams you have towards your future.
  • You need to speak about some topics that are comfortable for you like hobbies, TV programs you wish to watch, etc.
  • Describe your education and plans for further career or education.
  • You should also focus on some personal areas like the healthy lifestyle and the healthy habits you are following to preserve the wellness of your health.
  • If you are comfortable, you can also seek in some areas like relationships, dating, people you meet in social media, your friendship, and the way you interact with them, etc.
  • You should also focus on some additional topics like food, prayer, safety rules, politics, etc.
  • The progress will be based on the type of course and the individuals, but you can expect that this level might require up to 400 hours of cumulative instruction to complete successfully.

The bottom line

Have you got some ideas on the B1 English Test? Success in the first attempt might seem to be harder, but it is not something impossible. You need to analyze more and take up the test in the right way to win in it. Get to know more about the test and travel on the right path to be successful!

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