Information about FTIR spectroscopy


Whenever a sample is exposed to IR, the infrared part of the electromagnetic spectrum, which has a larger wavelength and short frequency than visible light, is quantifiable in the sample. In operation, the core notion is that various components’ connections absorbed light of specific frequency. An infrared spectrometer is used to evaluate the light, which creates an IR spectrum as a result. The Infrared spectra are a chart with the frequencies (wavelength) mostly on the horizontal plane and the ir radiation absorption by the material on the y axis. Let us know more about FTIR spectroscopy basics below.

How it works

The band of wavelengths inside the infrared region which are absorbed by a substance is measured via FTIR analysis. The introduction of infrared radiation to a sampling of a substance accomplishes this. To evaluate the substance’s molecular compositions, the sample’s absorption of infrared light energies at different wavelengths is evaluated. The spectrum is compared to a collection of reference spectra to identify unknown compounds. As far as a standard calibration curve with a known concentration of the element of interest could be constructed, substances could be measured utilizing the FTIR spectroscopy basics substances characterization approach. Unknown components, additives inside polymers, exterior contaminants on a substance, and more may all be identified via FTIR analysis.

An interferometer, a simplistic apparatus that produces an optical signal along with all the Infrared radiation frequencies recorded in it, can be used to distinguish samples. The signals may be immediately measured. The signals are then deciphered using the Fourier transformation, a mathematics method. The spectral data is then mapped using a desktop-generated technique. The resultant chart is the spectrum that is subsequently identified by comparing it to the references library. Samples as tiny as twenty microns could be studied using the microscopy attachments. This enables the identifications of unidentified particles, deposits, coatings, or fibers in a timely and cost-effective manner. FTIR analysis may also be used to measure impurities or additions in materials, and also evaluate levels of oxidized in certain polymers or degrees of curing in others.

Testing process

Put the sample in the FTIR spectrophotometer. The spectrometer sends infrared beams of light to the sample and detects that how much of the beams and at what frequency the sample absorbed. A tiny piece of the substance should be cut or the sample should be small enough for the infrared light to pass across. On certain specimens, reflection methods could be employed without causing harm to the samples. Traces, spots, or coatings on a very flat reflecting surface, or slightly malleable substances narrow enough to go underneath the microscopes utilizing the attenuated total reflectance connection to the lens, are samples favorable to reflection.


Hope the above information has given you some information about FTIR.

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