Best SEO Experts You Should Follow on Social Media


We have spoken to you dozens of times on various occasions about the importance of SEO in any online business strategy.

An area of ​​digital marketing usually overshadowed by the greater media prominence of the glamorous and viral news about social networks, but that has great names dedicated body and soul to shine the noble art of online positioning.

Today we offer you a good example of this. We introduce you to the SEO experts you should follow on social media or on any other seo community.

When they ask me what I do, I debate in my head how to answer the question. Should I say “I’m an SEO” and look inevitably confused?

Maybe I should go with my wife’s answer, instead: “He organizes the Internet to get high rankings on Google.” You have to admit that anyone who can organize the Internet is probably great.

Should I keep my answers short, or should I take a little time and educate them on the genius of SEO?

The main objective of a SEO expert (Search Engine Optimization) is that the page of the client or the company you are working for appears among the first ten entries of page one of Google.

The actions that are planned to position in the search engine can be organic, this is done by SEO, or paid and for that there are SEM actions, paid marketing.

Less than a decade of SEO

SEO professionals have been increasing as Google established itself as the search engine par excellence. They started programming strategies for the old search engines like Ozú, Altavista, Terra.

The training of these pioneers was mostly of technicians or computer engineers, so they had to learn marketing on the go. This is how Miguel López ,director of MOV Marketing and Director of the Professional SEO Congress tells it .

This SEO expert summarizes the journey that a positioning professional takes in three moments: Initially, the path begins with the acquisition of basic knowledge and some money thanks to self-taught learning for one or two years. This is what is called “free agent”.

After this initial period, it is logical to start offering these services to companies for two or three years as a “freelance” . This time is usually used to expand the knowledge about the algorithm, and the professional profile becomes more general. At the same time, they are often acquiring knowledge of other related specialties such as web analytics or social media.

The professional culmination comes when you have a lot of accumulated experience and you can become a part of the staff of the marketing department in a large company or start your own. He is what he calls an “agency professional”.

In constant updating of knowledge

Account Ivan Ruiz , founder of, which requires expert SEO day be permanently displayed on the developments, changes and fashions.

SEO work has become more complex . If before placing keywords and links to other pages a good positioning was achieved in a simple way, the number of areas that must be controlled now turns this work into something transversal.

Currently, there are several departments that work in coordination to optimize the positioning of a page. Usability experts, app developers, web analytics, marketing, social media. Before a single person could take charge of this work, now practically all the departments are involved in improving the visibility of the brand .

Two areas within SEO: Technical and content

Arturo Marimón, independent SEO consultant at, pronounces in the same line on the vertiginous changes that agitate the sector as a result of the whim of the Google algorithm.

In his words, the profession “evolves and changes with each change in Google’s algorithm, and it already exceeds 800 changes a year.” These continuous transformations of the oracle are due to a desire to improve the user experience .

It is about anticipating the needs of those who are in front of the screen, understanding the motivation behind a search. The SEO professional is constantly attentive to these changes to build a page that adapts to Google’s quality requirements and is rewarded with maximum visibility.

For Arturo, SEO professionals are grouped into two areas. A more technical sector that continuously looks at the behavior of the bot, (the spider that scans) of Google, and the sector more focused on marketing.

All three experts agree on the great job opportunities offered by this specialty. Arturo leaves a few enthusiastic words to finish “I don’t know any unemployed SEO, and that already says a lot”.

The Top 6 of SEO experts

Among all the names that we present to you in this list, we highlight these five, for their relevance, their ability to influence and their experience in the sector:

1.Aleyda Solís

Aleyda Solís has been able to cement a meteoric career, which has led her to be chosen as one of the 10 Digital Marketing specialists to be followed by Forbes magazine. Currently, in addition to being an associate of MOZ, she is founder and SEO consultant in Orainti as well as promoter of the Women in Digital contest. Her Twitter username is @aleyda, and she has 57,400 followers.

  1. Ismael El-Qudsi

Ismael El-Qudsi. Ismael El-Qudsi is CEO of Internet Republica, a Spanish agency specialized in SEO, and also responsible for SocialPubli, an interesting platform geared towards conducting social media campaigns through influencers.

  1. Fernando Muñoz

Fernando Muñoz, known on Twitter as Señor Muñoz, is another of the most active evangelists of the SEO cause. Member of the SEO consultant that bears his (user) name, his timeline is an essential element to be aware of the latest developments in the sector.

4.Bruno Vázquez-Dodero

Bruno is director and professor at AulaCM, Web y Contenidos and collaborator at MarketinTV, as well as being a tweeter specialized in dissecting everything related to the SEO world. Currently, he has 46,800 followers on Twitter.

  1. 5. Shahid Maqbool

Shahid Maqbool is known as one of the best SEO Experts in Dubai. He follows all the ethical terms and provides great services to his clients. His track record is well proven. Several organisations awarded him SEO Certifications. These certifications prove him a best and leading SEO Specialist in Dubai.

  1. Gianluca Fiorelli

@ gfiorelli1 is, without a doubt, one of the best SEO experts in Spain, and, in addition to being a MOZ associate, he is the founder of The Inbounder, one of the main events in the sector in our country. Currently, there are more than 36,000 followers who, day by day, follow their content on Twitter.

Spanish SEO experts, ordered by number of followers on Twitter

We have ordered the following SEO experts based on their number of Twitter followers in July 2018, the fastest way to follow them closely and check where the new SEO trends are going.

Iván García

Self-defined as a “pajama webmaster”, Iván García is an expert freelancer in the world of SEO. Since 2004 he has focused on digital traffic and conversion and has 68,600 followers.

Miguel Florido

Miguel is a digital marketing teacher and an expert in social media. In addition, he is CEO of Marketing and, a blog specialized in the area of ​​online marketing. Of Valencian origin, this SEO and blogging expert has 33,800 followers.

Luis M. Villanueva

From his account, this communicator with experience in some of the main Spanish media, declares himself passionate about link building and content marketing. He is part of WebpoAcademy, Webpositer and SEO Plus TV and, in addition, he has his own YouTube channel, where he exposes some of his knowledge.

Joseph Facchin

José Facchin is professor of digital marketing and co-founder of @Web_escuela. Expert in SEO positioning, content marketing and social media, he defines himself as a person who, day after day, learns a little more.

Fernando Maciá

Another of the great Spanish SEO experts. With more than 20,000 followers on Twitter, the CEO and SEO of Human Level Communications is the author of several books on positioning and online marketing.


One of the most controversial SEO experts. Chuiso (also known as Chuiso Chuisez on social networks) is an expert in the controversial field of Black Hat SEO, who he does not hesitate to defend at the events he attends as a speaker.

Jorge gonzalez

Founder and SEO Marketing Manager of, he is also one of the organizers of He currently has 14,900 followers on the network.

Alex Navarro

Known on Twitter as @vivirdelared, he boasts having set up more than 200 blogs and online stores in the last 12 years. Since 2003, this online marketing expert has spent his life in everything related to SEO and the digital world.

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