Advice for new drivers


This guide is ideal for new drivers or those who know someone who has just passed their test.

The Safer Drivers Course is designed to help young drivers who have their Ls learn how to drive solo once they get their provisional licenses. This course shows you how you can reduce road hazards by learning safe driving behavior. It also includes strategies to deal with if you are running late or have your friends in the car.

These advice will give new drivers the best chance to stay safe on the roads and save money wherever possible.

1. The Black Box

New drivers are more likely to be involved in an accident than their older counterparts, making insurance a significant expense. There is an option to lower the cost of insurance for new drivers and reduce the chance of being involved in an accident.

The Black Box, a small device that records speed, distance traveled, time of day, and driving style is very simple. This information is sent back to the insurance company, so the driver can be sure not to speed or drive in dangerous ways.

Black boxes may be the best option to keep your driving under control while also saving you money. Make sure to research.

Many insurance companies also offer policies that use your Smartphone to track data the same way as a black box.

2. Driving on the phone

Mobile phones while driving are a problem for young drivers.

This is alarming, as one in four car crashes are caused by drivers using their mobile phones. According to the Department for Transport, 17 of the 88 distracted driving deaths in 2012 were caused by mobile use. This is a higher death rate than any other type of in-car distraction.

Avoiding the temptation to pick up your phone is the best way to avoid it.

3. Late-Night Driving

It is unlikely that a new driver will learn the ropes in the summer months. This means it is highly unlikely that a test will be passed without the driver ever having been out at night.

Practice is important if you are a new driver or you don’t know anyone who has. Many things can change in darkness.

Visibility is reduced, and fatigue is an even bigger factor. It’s important that new drivers feel comfortable driving at night.

3. Understanding Your Car and Your Limits

It is highly unlikely that a new driver will buy the same car if they have learned to drive under an instructor.

Each car is unique so it is important that every driver feels at ease in their car before they start driving on their own.

It is extremely beneficial to practice with an instructor or experienced driver in the novice driver’s car.

If a driver isn’t familiar with their vehicle, brake sensitivity and acceleration could be crucial to avoid dangerous situations.

It is also very useful because it explains all the functions and buttons of the car.

4. Fuel Consumption

Young people can’t afford to pay for fuel. However, there are ways to drive efficiency and reduce your car’s carbon footprint.

5. Make the most of P plates

The P stickers will let other drivers know that a new driver is nervous and susceptible to making mistakes. Drivers with P plates will be more patient so use them to your advantage.

6. Motorway Driving

A new driver won’t be able to drive on a motorway unless they have completed their Advanced Driving Course.

These tips are obvious for experienced drivers, but they are vital information for new drivers.

7. Correct Footwear

Driving barefoot or in flip-flops is against the law.

Safe driving requires the use of appropriate footwear.

These shoes can be bought at a variety of high-street outlets and are extremely comfortable and safe.

You should never leave your feet on the pedals in bad weather conditions. Therefore, sturdy shoes are the best option.

8. Confidence on the Road

New drivers must realize that they have the same rights on the road as all other vehicles.

It is not uncommon for other drivers to pressure you to accelerate or get out of a jam at the wrong moment.

Be patient and follow the rules. Do not allow others to undermine your confidence. You must always be in control.

9. How to manage long journeys

Make sure you have everything that you need for your first long-distance journey.

It’s not good to be stuck in your car for too long and become very hungry or thirsty. Warm cars can lead to sleepiness, which can be very dangerous. Make sure that your window is slightly open to allow air circulation.

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