Nabil Fakih Provides a Detailed Insight On Cosmetic Surgery


Cosmetic surgeries have become quite popular in the modern world. The key goal of such procedures is to improve the overall appearance of a person, and subsequently boost up their self-esteem and self-confidence. As mentioned by Nabil Fakih cosmetic surgeries can be performed on almost any part of the body and face of a person. Dr. Fakih is the owner of Fakih Hospital, and a widely recognized expert in the field of facial plastic surgery. He additionally was the former Vice-President of the Spanish Society of Facial Plastic Surgery as well. Dr. Fakih’s high level of experience and expertise in the profession makes him a perfect candidate to talk about cosmetic surgeries.

Around two decades ago, majority of people would have dismissed the idea of getting a cosmetic surgery by thinking that is just for the rich and the famous.  But this culture and idea is gradually changing. As pointed out by Nabil Fakih mentions that slowly people are doing away with the notion that cosmetic surgery is a luxury, and are starting to recognize it as a very real solution that helps in making people feel better.

Cosmetic surgeries can bring about both dramatic and lasting changes to the outside appearance of a person. There are multiple physical characteristics that can be effectively changed with the help of these surgeries. However, prior to making an appointment with a cosmetic surgeon, one should be sure of their motive to change to the way they look. In the opinion of Nabil Fakih there are multiple types of cosmetic surgeries for the face, each of them providing distinct results. Hence, the patients must be adequately aware of the outcome of each of these surgeries and make their choice accordingly.  The popular cosmetic surgeries for the face are:

  • Botox
  • Chin surgery
  • Cosmetic dentistry
  • Cheek lift
  • Chemical peel
  • Face-lift
  • Facial contouring
  • Facial fillers
  • Facial wrinkles
  • Neck lift
  • Otoplasy (ear surgery)
  • Rhinoplasty (nose surgery)
  • Laser hair removal
  • Laser resurfacing
  • Eyebrow/forehead rejuvenation (brow lift)
  • Wrinkle treatment
  • Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery)
  • Skin problems (blemishes, spider veins, scar revisions, tattoo removal)

While several people think that only women go for cosmetic surgeries, so is not the case. Both men and women opt for these procedures as they see it tends to provide them with a positive solution to refine their appearance. The goals from their cosmetic surgeries tend to be unique for each patient.

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Aging is one of the common issues due to which many opt to get a cosmetic surgery done.  Aging related physical changes not also hampers the appearance of a person, but can also put them in a negative mindset. It may even hamper their professional and social relationships, as the others around them begin to perceive them as angry, tiered or unhealthy. As per Nabil Fakih for multiple facial surgery patients, it is more about looking the way they feel, than looking younger.

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