5 things you didn’t know about science.


The world of science is full of interesting and amazing facts. From the way the universe works to the tiniest organisms on earth, science can provide us with an incredible insight into the way the world works.

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Here are 5 things you may not know about science that you may find interesting.

1. The universe is expanding

The first thing that may surprise you about science is that the universe is actually expanding. This means that the space between galaxies and stars is getting bigger every day. This has been proven by the Hubble Telescope, which observed that light from distant galaxies was stretching and becoming redder as it traveled through space. This indicates that the universe is expanding and that galaxies are moving away from each other.

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The reason for this expansion is still a mystery, but scientists have several theories about it.

One possible explanation is that our universe began as a singularity, a point of infinite density, and then expanded to become what we see today.

Another theory states that space itself was created at the Big Bang, and it continues to expand outwards ever since then.

Yet another theory says that dark energy could be causing this phenomenon, an invisible force that’s pushing all matter apart from one another in space.

2. We only understand a tiny fraction of the universe

Another interesting fact about science is that we only understand a tiny fraction of the universe. This is because the universe is so large and complex that we have only been able to explore a very small portion of it. We have only been able to observe and study a fraction of the stars, galaxies, and other objects that exist in the universe. In fact, scientists estimate that we have only explored less than 5% of the universe.

3. We still don’t know what dark matter is

Dark matter is one of the most mysterious and fascinating parts of science. It is a form of matter that cannot be seen or detected but is believed to account for approximately 27% of the universe. Scientists have been studying dark matter for decades but still do not understand what it is. Some theories suggest that it could be made up of dark energy or other particles, but no one knows for sure.

4. There are still new species being discovered

Another thing you may not know is that there are still new species being discovered all the time. Scientists have been exploring and studying the Earth for centuries, yet new species are still being discovered. For example, in 2020, scientists discovered a new species of jellyfish off the coast of Mexico. This shows that even in the modern world, there are still new species being discovered.

5. Our understanding of the laws of physics is constantly changing

The final thing you may not know about science is that our understanding of the laws of physics is constantly changing. As we learn more about the universe, our understanding of the laws of physics is continually shifting. For example, when Einstein proposed his theory of relativity, it completely changed our understanding of the laws of physics. This is something that continues to happen today and shows that science is constantly evolving and changing.


These are just a few of the many fascinating things you may not know about science. From the expanding universe to the mysterious dark matter, science is full of interesting and amazing facts. Knowing more about science can help us better understand the world around us and appreciate the complexity and beauty of the universe.

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